January 2023 Newsletter


The undergraduates have been very busy this month planning different events, executing recruitment events, and participating in IM Volleyball. Here are some of the highlights:


  • The undergraduates held 3 different recruitment events in January with each event being different from the last. On the 18th of January, the undergraduates held a dodgeball recruiting event at the Rec Center! It was a nice success that all of the undergraduates enjoyed!
  • On January 24th the undergraduates held the Kappa Sigma Theta-Nu exclusive Glow Golf event. Brother Shane Rue designed the course with assistance from Grand Master Caleb Shriver. The event was a huge success and after our designated recruitment time some of the Sisters from Alpha Phi stopped by to enjoy the course!
  • Two days later the undergraduates took advice from ARM Stephen Simmons and hosted a Nugget/Game Night. The event is always titled ‘Night of 1000 Nuggets’ but Wendy’s could not supply that many nuggets. We also had video game tournaments courtesy of Brother Conner’s Wii and Fortnite Squads.
  • The undergraduates plan to extend bids soon and have circled February 13th and February 19th as our two dates for Pledging. Initiation Date TBD
  • Video Highlights can be found on our TikTok Kappasigmaau!

IM Volleyball:

  • Brother Richard Delaney (special events chair, AGS) formed the Kappa Sigma Spring 2023 IM Volleyball Team. The brothers participating are: Brothers Beck, Bastaja, McDonald, Conner, Kern, Balo, Delaney, Ontko, and Urteaga. Wish them luck as they continue their season and look to get into the playoffs!

Hall of Honor:

Misc. Events/Plans:

  • The undergraduates will also be hosting a multitude of new events this semester! Brother Ontko (brotherhood) hosted a Brotherhood talk on January 14th to ask for suggestions for events. Since then, the brothers have been hosting movie nights, fires, and will have a slideshow night February 4th!
  • The more recent initiates will be participating in EGLS this weekend (February 3 & 4).
  • The undergraduates are also fundraising! We are raising money through cookie dough sales. If you are interested in helping raise funds, please message me via Facebook Messenger for more details!
  • On February 8th the brothers will be holding a cold-calling event from 6-7. We will be using the Alumni Call Sheet and Directory to call alumni and share general updates about the chapter!

As always, please stop by the house and check out all of the changes done this past year by the brothers. The address is 646 Broad Street, Ashland, OH 44805. It will be the house marked ‘Richard A. Henry House.’


Ethan Thomas

Grand Procurator, Alumni Chair

Theta-Nu To Induct Five into Hall of Honor


I am given the distinct privilege in announcing both the Spring 2021 and Spring 2023 Classes of the Kappa Sigma Theta-Nu Hall of Honor Inductees. The active undergraduates nominated and voted on multiple individuals in both the Spring of 2021 and Spring of 2023. The Brothers who will be inducted into the Hall of Honor later this semester were all chosen because of their impact on the chapter as undergraduates and as alumni. Congratulations to both the 2021 and 2023 Spring Classes!

Spring 2021 Class:

William J. Warner:

Brother Warner is a class of 1981 Initiate and has been a very important contributor to the Chapter personally and financially. Brother Warner has helped the chapter financially both prior to and after its rechartering in 2013. In 1989 Brother Warner founded Worldwide Yacht Sales, Waterfront Investments and Real Motorsports. He sold the company in 2022 and opened Warner Investments LLC. Brother Warner now travels the world with his wife. Brother Warner’s involvement with the chapter is always in remembrance of Brother Mark S. Ferlotti “Ferls.” Both Brother Warner and Brother Ferlotti were involved with the Kappa Alpha Chapter at UNLV. Brother Warner’s Plaque will feature all he has done for the chapter as well as the following: “In remembrance of Brother Mark S. Ferlotti.”

Garrett L. Babcock:

Brother Babcock is a class of 2013 Initiate and was the first Brother since the chapter’s rechartering in 2013 to become a Master of the Ritual. Brother Babcock was IFC President for the 2015 Term and was voted as the Outstanding Greek Man of the Year in 2016. Brother Babcock was a 3x Grand Master of the Ceremonies as well as a Top 25 Undergraduate Scholarship and Leadership Nominee in 2016 for the Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund. Brother Babcock’s Plaque will feature all he has done for the chapter as well as his achievements in the FSL Community.

Matthew J. Ladin:

Brother Ladin is a class of 1995 Initiate and was voted Theta-Nu Man of the Year in 1999 by his Brothers. Brother Ladin was a 2x Grand Master of Ceremonies, Grand Procurator, and Philanthropy Chair. Brother Ladin was also the IFC Rush Representative for Kappa Sigma. Brother Ladin was also the IFC President, IFC Vice President, IFC Secretary, Student Senate Class Representative and Vice President, as well as a Greek Man of the Year. Brother Ladin continued his involvement with the Brotherhood as an Assistant Alumnus Advisor for Baylor and Southern Methodist University for one year each. Brother Ladin’s Plaque will feature all he has done for the chapter, for the Brotherhood, and for the Ashland University Community.

Spring 2023 Class:

Michael P. Wolfrum:

Brother Wolfrum is a Class of 2016 Initiate and was critical in reshaping the chapter post-rechartering. Brother Wolfrum was a 2x Grand Master from December 2017 – December 2019. Brother Wolfrum is a Master of the Ritual #770 and Served as the Undergraduate Advisory Committee Representative for Theta-Nu’s Area in Kappa Sigma from 2019-2020. Brother Wolfrum was voted as the Theta-Nu Man of the Year in 2018 and 2019 by his Brothers. He was also IFC Vice President Brother Wolfrum is the Designer of the Caduceus and remains active within the Brotherhood. Brother Wolfrum is currently attending Law School. Brother Wolfrum’s Plaque will feature all he has done for the chapter, the Brotherhood, and his distinction as Designer of the Caduceus of Kappa Sigma.

John H. Howser:

Brother Howser is a Class of 1966 Initiate and a Founding Father of the Theta-Nu Chapter. Prior to his involvement in the Founding, Brother Howser was a member of the Phi Beta Gamma Social Fraternity at Ashland that became Kappa Sigma Theta-Nu. Brother Howser was the first ever IFC President at Ashland. His original letters to Kappa Sigma Fraternity can be found at Headquarters in Charlottesville, Virginia. Brother Howser’s Plaque will feature all he has done for chapter, his involvement with Phi Beta Gamma, and his distinction as the first IFC President at Ashland University.

Congratulations to all five Brothers who will be inducted into the Theta-Nu Hall of Honor later this semester!


Ethan Thomas

Grand Procurator, Alumni Chair

A Message from the Grand Master

The Brothers of Kappa Sigma Theta-Nu are once again off to a strong start to the fall semester! The brothers recently added 3 pledges to our ranks and are looking to execute a rolling rush to recruit more quality future brothers. With other operations, Theta-Nu is taking a weekend trip to Cedar Point to fundraise for our chapter. With some of the extra funds raised the chapter plans to continually renovate and fix the chapter house so that future brothers have a home to be proud of for generations to come. 

Upcoming dates of interest for the chapter and Alumni: 

Homecoming October 22nd, open house from 10am- 6pm

Initiation October 30th, Time TBD

Lip Sync Performance November 20th at 6pm!

Once again thank you all for all of your support I am looking forward to meeting you all this fall!


Grand Master Justin Conner