Theta-Nu Important Dates for March/April


I would like to inform you all of some important dates coming up. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions:

Theta-Nu Hall of Honor Induction Ceremony – Sunday, March 26th during Chapter (start time @7 p.m.)

Greek Honors – Sunday, April 2nd from 7 p.m. – end

Alumni Cold-Calling Event – Tuesday, April 11th from 6-8

Pie-a-Sig Philanthropy Event – Thursday, April 13th from 6-8 p.m.

Mile in a Soldier’s Shoes – Sunday, April 16th (start time @11 a.m.)

For Mile in a Soldier’s Shoes, we will be using the Alumni Cold-Calling Event to solicit sponsors for our Undergraduates. Alumni are also encouraged to return to Ashland and participate in the event. More information to follow.


Ethan Thomas

Grand Procurator, Alumni Chair

Theta-Nu Cookie Fundraiser Needs Your Support!


The Brothers of Theta-Nu are currently hosting a Fundraiser where the Brothers are selling Cookie Dough and they need your support! The Brothers have a deadline of February 24 to get 80 Orders. The Undergraduates have already sold 40 Orders. Your support would be greatly appreciated!


There are 6 different flavors of Cookie Dough that the Brothers are selling. Each order of Cookie Dough comes in 2.7 lb. Tubs to Scoop and Bake (about 40 cookies):

  • Chunky Chocolate Chip – $18
  • Sugar – $18
  • Oatmeal Raisin – $18
  • Snickerdoodle – $18
  • M&M Candies – $20
  • White Chocolate Macadamia – $20

The Undergraduates are only accepting Cash or Check, however, we are permitting alumni to pay digitally! If you are interested in purchasing any cookie dough, please read the following below:

  • Venmo: ethomas- (last 4 digits 1990) by Friday, February 24th. Please make your Venmo private. You need to include your shipping address, phone number, and quantity of Cookie Dough you would like to Order. We are hoping to get more than 80 Orders, but 80 is the minimum we need to sell!

Your support is greatly appreciated!


Ethan Thomas

Grand Procurator, Alumni Chair

Fall 2022 Semester Important Updates


After an eventful Fall Semester, I am delighted to share the following news to everyone:

We initiated 3 men into the Brotherhood October 30th, 2022. Brothers Derek Pyle, Jacob Myers, and Shane Rue were initiated as the Fall 2022 Semester Class and each look forward to sharing the privileges and benefits of our Brotherhood!

The Chapter also said goodbye to the Spring – Fall 2022 Executive Committee. We thank Brothers J. Connor, C. Shriver, M. Duncan, and V. Urteaga for all of their hard work and sacrifice this past term. Brother Shriver will continue serving on the Executive Committee with myself. Brothers Duncan and Urteaga were elected as our Guards for the Spring 2023 Term.

The Theta-Nu Chapter will now be guided by the following Brothers as they serve as the Executive Committee for the 2023 Term: Grand Master Caleb Shriver, Grand Procurator Ethan Thomas, Grand Master of Ceremonies Nicholas Bastaja, Grand Scribe Sean Rhodes, and Grand Treasurer Antonio (AJ) Rhodes. Congratulations to our new Executive Committee and we wish them the best of luck as they guide our chapter into a new era!

Our Chapter resurrected the Assistant Grand Treasurer Position (now held by brother Zach Balo) and merged the Lip Sync Chair and IM/Greek Week Chair into one Special Events Chair! The Brothers have also amended the By-Laws to include Co-Chairs for most positions to ensure Brothers stay involved with Chair Positions!

Finally, I would like to mention that our Chapter helped raise $1,577 for St. Jude with the rest of the Fraternity and Sorority Life Community at the 2022 FSL Lip Sync Event! The Brothers had a great time with our theme, ‘Worldwide,’ which featured routines to the songs Gangnam Style (PSY), Time of our Lives (Pitbull), Your Man (Josh Turner), and others!

I plan to Post Monthly News Letters on our Website, so please check back at the end of every month for Updates from our Chapter! I will also work on posting the Meeting Minutes in a Separate Download File after each Chapter for every Brother to read!

Happy New Year to All!


Ethan Thomas

Grand Procurator, Alumni Chair

Message from Grand Master of Ceremonies:

Brothers, I am pleased to announce and confirm that the chapter will have initiation on Sunday, October 30th starting at 5 p.m. We will open the chapter and immediately move to initiate our Fall Pledge Class of 2022. After Initiation, the chapter will then proceed to present position reports, have a Good of the Order Discussion, and vote on a Brother of the Week. We will also give alumni time to say their words and will close the chapter with our new Brothers! Please reach out to if you have any questions or concerns. We hope to see as many Brothers as possible for our Initiation of the Fall Pledge Class of 2022!

A Message From our Fundraising Chair

This past weekend Oct 7-9th a group of brothers set out for our fall fundraiser at Cedar Point. Here we were trained for our position on Friday night. Saturday we parked cars for a shift and later that night we swept and cleaned tables for a shift. Sunday we took another shift at parking cars. Graciously Brother Thomas and his family provided housing for us for the entire weekend. This fundraiser was fun for all the brothers and will provide funds for future plans and needs for the Chapter.

-Fundraising Chair Joe Beck

Theta Nu Initiates Seven Men for the Spring!

This spring semester of 2022, we had a total of seven initiated new members to our Theta-Nu chapter of Kappa Sigma. All our members have applied themselves diligently to recruit new members. We have a total of fourteen recruits this year, all freshman. Our recruitment events include game night, a super bowl watch party, fruit baseball, and a staple event for our chapter, glow-in-the-dark put-put golf. After rebounding from eight members during our fall semester of 2021, we have shown that we can make a significant impact through hard work and perseverance. We understood the commitment that we had to undertake to prolong our chapter. For future recruitment, we plan to reach a goal of 30+ members in the academic year of 2022-2023. We want to thank our alumni for their support and dedication to our fraternity. We look forward to including more alumni in our recruitment schedule with joint alumni/recruitment events. Our brothers will continuously recruit and build on our chapter for generations of Kappa Sigmas to come.

Make Sure to Stay Tuned to the Theta Nu website for Updates and New Events. Please share this with your fellow brothers and as always AEKDB.

-Sean Rhodes (Alumni Chair), and Caleb Shriver (Grand Procurator and Recruitment Chair)